An Introduction to Type Level Programming
This blog post is a long-form article based on a talk I delivered at the conference on 10 Sept 2021. Keep an eye out here and I will update this section with a link to the recording of the talk when it’s available.
The original slides for this talk are available on github along with the complete source code for the examples used in this article and the talk.
An Introduction to Type-Level Programming
Type-level programming in haskell (and other languages that support it) can be quite useful from time to time, but I find that it’s something that a lot of people struggle with learning. In haskell specifically, I think learning how to use type-level programming appropriately can be quite hard because the best real-world examples of type-level programming often come from larger projects, and it can be hard to figure out how to grow the design of your own code to make use of type level programming effectively when you’re only seeing the end-state of projects that have already grown into type level programming.
Outside of real-world projects, there are some well written pieces that describe various aspects of type level programming, but few references that are both accessible to people first trying to dip their toes into the world of type level programming and which also address the various approaches you can take to programming with types holistically.
In this article you’ll learn how to build programs that make heavy use of type-level programming by working through building a theming system. I originally developed the ideas behind this talk and article when trying to write something to unify the various themes and configurations for my own xmonad desktop setup, but the theming system you’ll build as you work through this article can be equally applied to theming web content, desktop or command line applications, or really anything that needs configurable theming.
Building A Theming System at Runtime
Before we dive into building a theming system at the type-level, let’s look at a small example of what a runtime theming system might look like. Without any particular work, we might start by simply defining some records that collect information about the look and feel of various components in our system. For example, in an XMonad desktop configuration we might want to configure both the look and feel of the text we send to polybar.
= PolybarColorScheme
polybarColorScheme = "#dda0dd"
{ focusedWorkspaceText = "#2a2035"
, focusedWorkspaceBackground = "#dda0dd"
, visibleWorkspaceText = "#2a2035"
, visibleWorkspaceBackground }
In this examples we’ve got a record with some fields and we’re setting them to strings that hold hex values. This approach is very low-effort and in a lot of cases it might be good enough, but if we wanted to be nit-picky we could note that using string values here introduces the problem that we could use invalid values and wouldn’t necessarily find out until runtime when things look wrong, or worse, crash. The first refactor that we might come up with is to try to use something other than strings to hold color data.
We can start by creating a new record, RGB
that will hold each color
channel. We’ll use Word8
since it’s limited to values from 0-255, which is
exactly what we want if we want to represent things using the usual 24-bit
colors that we’re used to seeing.
module Color where
import Data.Word
data RGB = RGB
rgbRed :: Word8
{ rgbGreen :: Word8
, rgbBlue :: Word8
,deriving (Eq, Show) }
And we can refactor our original code to make use of our new type:
= PolybarColorScheme
polybarColorScheme = RGB 0xdd 0xa0 0xdd
{ focusedWorkspaceText = RGB 0x2a 0x20 0x35
, focusedWorkspaceBackground = RGB 0xdd 0xa0 0xdd
, visibleWorkspaceText = RGB 0x2a 0x20 0x35
, visibleWorkspaceBackground }
Great! with one relatively small change, we’ve just eliminated a huge number of potential errors caused accidentally setting a color to some invalid string.
The Update Problem
We’ve fixed the issue of potentially using invalid color strings, but we have another problem. Imagine if we wanted to make the color of our text a little bit darker, or we wanted to change the look and feel of our theme to be uniformly a bit more blue. We need to track down and change every single place where we’re using a color, throughout the entire project, and update them. If you are anything like me, this will be the start of a long process of forgetting to update things here and there and only noticing days later when you realize something just doesn’t look right.
One way to address this is to use a color palette. In fact, when we think of theming, some variation of a color palette is usually what we have in mind. For our purposes, a color palette is just any sort of a mapping between names and colors.
The simplest way to define a color palette would be to just create a newtype
wrapper around a Map. We’ll name ours ThemeInstance
, since what we’re really
talking about is to create some specific instance or implementation of our
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
newtype ThemeInstance = ThemeInstance { getThemeInstance :: Map.Map String RGB }
Let’s look at an example of what it might look like to create a color palette and use it to define our polybar color scheme:
= ThemeInstance . Map.fromList $
myTheme "foreground", RGB 0x3a 0x20 0x35)
[ ("background", RGB 0xdd 0xa0 0xdd) ]
, (
polybarColorScheme :: ThemeInstance -> Maybe PolybarColorScheme
ThemeInstance theme) = PolybarColorScheme
polybarColorScheme (<$> Map.lookup "foreground" theme
<*> Map.lookup "background" theme
<*> Map.lookup "foreground" theme
<*> Map.lookup "background" theme
Supporting Multiple Color Types
So far we’ve only thought about supporting RGB colors. As far as defaults go this is a pretty good one, and if we were going to limit ourselves to a single way to represent a color RGB is probably the way to go. That said, it would be convenient to be able to support other representations of color as well. For example, if you are using this theming system for a desktop environment, it might be convenient to easily be able to refer to all of the the X11 colors by name, even though they will eventually be represented as RGB values.
One way that we can approach this is to create a new typeclass for colors that
we can represent as an RGB color. Let’s make one and call it IsColor
class IsColor a where
toRGB :: a -> RGB
Creating an instance for RGB
colors is pretty trivial:
instance IsColor RGB where
= id toRGB
And if we wanted to define some types to represent our X11 colors, we can also do that pretty easily by hard-coding the RGB color associated with each of the named X11 colors:
data AliceBlue = AliceBlue
instance IsColor AliceBlue where
= const $ RGB 0xF0 0xF8 0xFF
-- many other colors omitted for brevity
Now we have a bit of a problem though. We can write functions that work over anything that is a color:
toHex :: IsColor a => a -> String
toHex a let (RGB r g b) = toRGB a
in printf "%02x%02x%02x" r g b
But what about our ThemeInstance
? One option would be to add a type parameter:
newtype ThemeInstance colorType = ThemeInstance
getThemeInstance :: Map.Map String colorType } {
If we did that, we’d run into two problems:
- Now, everywhere that we want to use
we need to add a constraintIsColor colorType => ThemeInstance colorType
- We can’t mix and match different types of colors in a single theme.
Thankfully, we can solve both of those problems by creating an Existential
Type. An Existential Type is a type that we can create to hold values of
several different types that all implement a particular typeclass. Let’s create
one called SomeColor
to represent things that are some type of color:
data SomeColor = forall color. IsColor color => SomeColor color
As a matter of convenience, let’s also add a Show
instance for SomeColor
instance Show SomeColor where
show = show . toRGB
If we refactor our ThemeInstance
now, we can store all sorts of different
colors in the same theme:
newtype ThemeInstance = ThemeInstance
getThemeInstance :: Map.Map String SomeColor }
= ThemeInstance $
t "red" (SomeColor $ RGB 255 0 0)
Map.insert "blue" (SomeColor AliceBlue)) (Map.singleton
You’ll notice here that we’ve had to explicitly wrap up all of our colors in a
constructor. If you find this to be too troublesome, you can easily
create a wrapper to handle this for you:
someRGB :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> SomeColor
= SomeColor $ RGB r g b someRGB r g b
Finishing Up Our First Pass
The approach to theming that we’ve built so far has the nice benefit of letting us decouple the actual definitions of our colors from the logical description of what colors we might want to use, and it’s has the benefit of being pretty easy to work with.
Unfortunately, we also have a couple of problems: First, we’ve got the problem
that our configuration might fail if we’re missing a color. Sure, we can handle
it somewhat gracefully by returning Nothing
if we fail to find a color that we
need, but we’re still going to be left having to deal with it at some point. We
can either crash, realize that we’ve gotten back no configuration and exit
gracefully, or provide some hard-coded default theme. Second, it’s hard to avoid
failure because it’s not clear without reading the source code what theme
elements any particular function might want to use.
In the next section, we’ll look at how we can address both of these problems by moving some of our theming code into the type level.
Requiring Theme Elements at the Type Level
The first refactor we’ll make to our code will let us address the problem of understanding what particular parts of a theme any given function might use. It will also take us one step further along the path toward total type safety for our theming system.
Here’s what we’re going to aim for with these refactors:
- Let’s make sure that any function that uses a theme has a type that tells us what elements from the theme it’s using.
- Let’s make it a compile-time error to pass a theme to a function if the theme doesn’t provide the colors that the function needs.
Before we get into building this, we’ll start by taking a quick look at where
we’d like to end up. This colorDemo
function will print out a thruple of the
red, green, and blue colors provided by our theme.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
colorDemo :: ( HasColor "red" theme
HasColor "green" theme
, HasColor "blue" theme )
, => ThemeInstance theme -> String
colorDemo theme let r = lookupColor @"red" theme
= lookupColor @"green" theme
g = lookupColor @"blue" theme
b in show (r,g,b)
In this demo you can see we’re calling lookupColor
using a visible type
application, which we’ve enabled using the TypeApplications
extension. For
each of the colors we’ve used a visible type application for, we’re also getting
a HasColor
constraint in the type signature telling us that we need that color
to be a part of our theme instance. Importantly, although we’ve added the type
signature here for the sake of readability, the compiler can also infer this
type for us. Being able to infer the type is helpful because it means that we
can get nicer type errors if we change something.
If you’re not familiar with visible type applications, this extension allows us
to manually tell the compiler what type to use whenever we’re dealing with some
polymorphic type. For example, consider the read
function. read
polymorphic and it decides how to parse a string based on the type of value it’s
expected to return. Often times we end up awkwardly using type annotations to
tell the compiler what type we’d like it to use:
read "1") :: Int
λ (1
read "1") :: Double
λ (1.0
With visible type applications we can pass the type we’d like to use directly to
the function using an @
symbol. For example:
read @Int "1"
λ 1
read @Double "1"
λ 1.0
When you’re writing your own functions to be used with type applications, it’s helpful to use forall to be explicit about your type variables, since the order of variables will determine the order of type applications. Let’s look at how this works in practice:
f :: forall b a. (Read a, Read b) => String -> (a,b)
= (read s, read s)
f s
@Int @Double "1"
λ f 1.0,1) (
In this example b
is getting the type Int
, and a
is getting the type
We’ll be making heavy use of type applications throughout the rest of this article, as they are often the most ergonomic way to write code that makes heavy use of type-level programming.
Refactoring ThemeInstance
Now that we’ve seen a demo of where we’d like to end up, we’ll start making it a
reality by looking at the ThemeInstance
type that we’re passing into
. This version is a little different than the version we’ve already
because we’ve added a type parameter to it. This new theme parameter will need
to hold the information about what colors are available in our theme.
newtype ThemeInstance theme = ThemeInstance
getThemeInstance :: Map.Map String SomeColor }
{deriving Show
Here we’ve added a new type parameter to keep track of what’s in our theme. It’s a Phantom Type, so we’re not actually using the type at runtime for anything. It exists purely to help us out at the type level.
As we’ve implemented it, theme
right now can be any type at all. We could
create values with type ThemeInstance Int
or ThemeInstance Bool
, or even
ThemeInstance Either (Int,Bool) [(String, Maybe Int, Void -> a)]
if we wanted
to. It wouldn’t change our implementation, but it would allow us to create
values with types that are semantically absurd.
Thankfully, we can limit the sort of types that we can use when creating a
by giving it a Kind Signature. To use kind signatures, we have
to enable the KindSignatures
extension. Once we’ve done that, we can use
familiar syntax to annotate the Kind of a type variable.
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
newtype ThemeInstance (theme :: Theme) = ThemeInstance
getThemeInstance :: Map.Map String SomeColor }
{deriving Show
Of course, we still need to define Theme
. Before we do that though, let’s take
a moment to look into Kinds in general and learn a little bit more about them.
A Brief Aside on Kinds and Type-Level Data Structures
Kinds in haskell are like the “types of types”. The normal types that we work
with in everyday haskell code, like Int
or a -> a
all have the kind
. Type constructors like Maybe
have the kind Type -> Type
. By default
ghci will use *
in place of Type
, but for clarity in this article we’ll
disable that by setting NoStarisType
You can use ghci to look at the Kind of a Type with the :kind!
:set -XNoStarIsType
λ :kind! Int
λ Int :: Type
= Int
:kind! Maybe
λ Maybe :: Type -> Type
= Maybe
:kind! Either
λ Either :: Type -> Type -> Type
= Either
:kind! Either String
λ Either String :: Type -> Type
= Either String
The extra !
we’re adding in :kind!
asks ghci to give us not only the Kind of
the Type, but also the “normalized type”. You’ll learn more about what that
means later on in this article, but for now it’s helpful to just get in the
practice of using the punctuation.
The syntax for creating kinds is the same as the syntax for creating new haskell
types, and in fact we can reuse the same code to create both new types and kinds
by enabling the DataKinds
extension. Before we dive into creating a Theme
kind, let’s look at a few other examples to get comfortable for what it means to
create a new Kind.
We can start by looking at a simple example in ghci:
First, we’ll enable the DataKinds
language extension, and create a new type
named Example
with a single constructor MakeExample
. The names here are
arbitrary, but if you are following along it’s a good idea to use a different
name for the type and the constructor so that you’ll have an easier time
following along with the output of the examples.
If we look at the type of MakeExample
, as we’d expect it’s Example
. This is
just normal value level haskell code.
:set -XDataKinds
λ data Example = MakeExample
λ :t MakeExample
λ MakeExample :: Example
Similarly, if we look at the Kind of Example
we’ll see that it’s a normal
haskell Type
(remember, in ghci you might see this written as *
:kind Example
λ Example :: Type
Where things will start to get a bit different is if you look at the Kind of
. When we do this, we’re no longer treating MakeExample
as a
constructor, but rather as a type all on it’s own
:kind MakeExample
λ MakeExample :: Example
This works because the DataKinds
extension allows us to promote data types to
the type-level. When we do this, the data type becomes a Kind, and all of the
constructors become types with that Kind.
Let’s look at another example:
data ExampleColor = Red | Green | Blue
λ :kind! Red
λ Red :: ExampleColor
= 'Red
:kind! Green
λ Green :: ExampleColor
= 'Green
:kind! Blue
λ Blue :: ExampleColor
= 'Blue
Here we’re creating a sum type with constructors Red
, Green
and Blue
, but
thanks to DataKinds
we’re also creating a new Kind with types Red
and Blue
. You’ll notice in this example when we look at the Kind of
these types, they are prefixed with a tick mark: 'Blue
. This is a way that
we can differentiate between the value-level and type-level versions of
things. For example, here Blue
would be a value with the Type ExampleColor
but 'Blue
would be a type with the Kind ExampleColor
. The tick marks are
only required if it would otherwise be ambiguous whether you were talking about
the value or type level. Since we are primarily working in the type level in
this article we’ll omit the ticks, but it’s a good idea to add them in most
situations to avoid unnecessary ambiguity.
We can see the types and kinds we’re dealing with in action by creating a typeclass. Let’s create a simple typeclass that will let us get the name of a color:
class ExampleClass (color :: ExampleColor) where
sayColor :: String
We’re using a kind signature here to ensure that color
must have the kind
, so we can crate instances for Red
, Green
, and Blue
as we’d
instance ExampleClass Red where
= "red"
sayColor instance ExampleClass Green where
= "green"
sayColor instance ExampleClass Blue where
= "blue"
@Red, sayColor @Green, sayColor @Blue)
λ (sayColor "red","green","blue") (
If we try to create an instance for some other type, we’ll get an error:
instance ExampleClass Int where
= "int"
<interactive>:56:23: error:
Expected kind ‘ExampleColor’, but ‘Int’ has kind ‘Type’
• In the first argument of ‘ExampleClass’, namely ‘Int’
• In the instance declaration for ‘ExampleClass Int’
One of the really powerful features of using DataKinds
is that you aren’t
limited to simple sum types, we can also promote data structures to the type
level. For example, we can create a type level list. For example:
data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)
:kind! Cons Red (Cons Green (Cons Blue Empty))
λ Cons Red (Cons Green (Cons Blue Empty)) :: List ExampleColor
= 'Cons 'Red ('Cons 'Green ('Cons 'Blue 'Empty))
We can even use infix type level operators if we’d like:
type a :+: b = Cons a b
infixr 6 :+:
:kind! Red :+: Green :+: Blue :+: Empty
λ Red :+: Green :+: Blue :+: Empty :: List ExampleColor
= 'Red :+: ('Green :+: ('Blue :+: 'Empty))
Of course, we don’t have to define everything ourselves from scratch. There are
several Kinds that are available to us by default or from the GHC.TypeLits
module included in base
. Let’s import GHC.TypeLits
and explore some of the
built-in capabilities we get
Type-Level Naturals
The Nat
kind defines type-level natural numbers. We can use any positive
numeric literal as a type that will have the kind Nat
. For example:
:kind! 1
λ 1 :: Nat
= 1
We can also perform some basic arithmetic at the type level:
:kind! 16 + 4
λ 16 + 4 :: Nat
= 20
:kind! 16 `Div` 4
λ 16 `Div` 4 :: Nat
= 4
:kind! 16 * 4
λ 16 * 4 :: Nat
= 64
:kind! 16 - 4
λ 16 - 4 :: Nat
= 12
And we can compare to see if one natural is less than, or equal to, another:
1 <=? 2) :: Bool
(= 'True
:kind! (4 <=? 2)
λ 4 <=? 2) :: Bool
(= 'False
Finally, the natVal
function gives us a way to get a runtime value-level
equivalent to a type-level natural.
:t natVal $ Proxy @(8 * 16)
λ $ Proxy @(8 * 16) :: Integer
natVal $ Proxy @(8 * 16)
λ natVal 128
If you’re not familiar with it, the Proxy
type is a simple data type that
comes from the Data.Proxy
module in base
. It makes use of phantom types to
let us carry around type information with no runtime overhead. You can use
as we’ve done here with a type application, or you can use it with a
more traditional type annotation:
Proxy :: Proxy (1 + 2))
λ natVal (3
Type-Level Symbols
The Symbol
kind defines type-level strings, similar to how Nat
type-level numbers. Not as many value-level operations on strings carry over to
the type level as did for numbers, but you can append symbols together and make
use of SymbolVal
to get a string representation of a type-level Symbol:
:kind! "Hello, World"
λ "Hello, World" :: Symbol
= "Hello, World"
:kind! "Hello, " `AppendSymbol` "World"
λ "Hello, " `AppendSymbol` "World" :: Symbol
= "Hello, World"
$ Proxy @"Hello, World"
λ symbolVal "Hello, World"
:t symbolVal $ Proxy @"Hello, World"
λ $ Proxy @"Hello, World" :: String symbolVal
Type-Level Lists
Finally, ghc provides us type-level lists. These work like the List
kind that
we’ve already built, but allows you to use the same syntax you’re already
familiar with to construct lists at the type level.
:kind! [1,2,3]
λ 1,2,3] :: [Nat]
[= '[1, 2, 3]
:kind! ["Hello","World","!"]
λ "Hello","World","!"] :: [Symbol]
[= '["Hello", "World", "!"]
Working With a Theme
Now that you understand a bit more about type-level data structures and Kinds,
we can move on and define our Theme
kind as a type-level list collection of
theme elements. Since we want to support arbitrary theme elements by name, we’ll
use Symbol
to represent individual theme elements:
type Theme = [Symbol]
Now that we’ve defined Theme
we can create a ThemeInstance
with some colors:
= ThemeInstance @'["red"] $ Map.singleton "red" (someRGB 255 0 0)
λ theme :t theme
λ theme :: ThemeInstance DemoTheme
λ themeThemeInstance {
getThemeInstance "red"
fromList [( RGB {rgbRed = 255, rgbGreen = 0, rgbBlue = 0})]
, }
Of course, being able to create a ThemeInstance
with a specified theme doesn’t
help us until we can actually use that information to safely to a value.
If you recall earlier in this article we had a short demo of how we’d like to use our theme:
colorDemo :: ( HasColor "red" theme
HasColor "green" theme
, HasColor "blue" theme )
, => ThemeInstance theme -> String
colorDemo theme let r = lookupColor @"red" theme
= lookupColor @"green" theme
g = lookupColor @"blue" theme
b in show (r,g,b)
Now that we have a ThemeInstance
value and have defined the Theme
kind, the
next step we’ll need to take get a color while ensuring that our theme has the
right set of colors. We’re calling lookupColor
to get the color values, so
let’s start there.
The type for lookupColor
lookupColor :: forall colorName theme.
KnownSymbol colorName
( HasColor colorName theme)
, => ThemeInstance theme -> RGB
We have two constraints here that we’ll want to look at. Let’s start with the
easy one first: KnownSymbol colorName
. This is a constraint that says
needs to be a Symbol
. The second constraint, HasColor colorName theme
might look familiar from the type signature of colorDemo
. This is a
typeclass that we’ll define to ensure that a given theme
has the desired
Before we get back to lookupColor
let’s implement HasColor
. The first thing
we’ll need to do is enable MultiParamTypeClasses
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
Since we’re only validating that the theme holds a color at the type level, we don’t need to add any functions to the typeclass.
class HasColor (color :: Symbol) (theme :: Theme)
So, how do we use this typeclass to prove that our theme has the desired color? By making sure that we only define instances of the typeclass where our desired constraint holds. Thankfully, we can use many of the same techniques to do this at the type level as we would at the value level. In particular, we’ll use inductive reasoning and pattern matching.
Let’s start by thinking about how we could implement a value-level equivalent to our typeclass. That will give us a good starting point that we can translate to the type level.
A value level function might have the type:
findColor :: String -> [String] -> Bool
We can define two base cases for this function. One where we searched the entire list and didn’t find a match:
= False findColor _ []
And another where we have found the element:
findColor color (currentColor| color == currentColor = True
Finally, we can define a recursive case where we haven’t found the color yet, but we still have items we can search through in our list:
findColor color (currentColor| color == currentColor = True
| otherwise = findColor color colors
When we’re writing our HasColor
instance, we’re going to apply similar logic,
but with a couple of differences. The most notable difference is that we don’t
ever directly return True
or False
. Instead, we’ve either defined a
particular instance, in which case the constraint holds, or we haven’t defined
that instance and we’ll get a compile-time error.
So, how do we apply this to the type level? We’ll start again with our base case. Since we won’t be creating any instance for cases where we don’t have a match, we can skip the base-case where we would have returned false on an empty list, and move on to the case where we found the color in the list.
The first thing we’ll need to do is to get the head of our theme
list. To do that we’ll need to add a couple more extensions. First, we’ll need
so that we can use a type-level list in an instance
declaration. Second, we’ll need TypeOperators
so that we can use :
at the
type level, allowing us to pattern match and get the head of our theme list.
With all of our extensions enabled, we’ll end up with something like this:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Color where
import GHC.TypeLits
type Theme = [Symbol]
class HasColor (color :: Symbol) (theme :: Theme)
instance (color ~ current) => HasColor color (current : rest)
The important bit here is our instance declaration:
instance (color ~ current) => HasColor color (current : rest)
We’re using an equality constraint, (color ~ current)
, to make sure that the
color argument to our typeclass matches the head of the theme list. We’re
getting the head of the list by pattern matching, just like we’d do at the value
Before we move on to the recursive case, let’s take one more pass at our existing instance. There’s a minor refactor that we can do here that illustrates one of the other big differences between type-level programming and value-level programming: If we refer to the same variable multiple times in a typeclass instance, we are requiring that they be equal. That means that we can skip the equality constraint altogether and simply write:
instance HasColor color (color : rest)
Now that we’ve defined our base-case, let’s look at the recursive case. In plain English, our recursive instance needs to say “If the tail of the theme list has the color you are looking for, then the entire list has the color you are looking for”. In haskell that is:
instance HasColor color rest => HasColor color (color' : rest)
That’s it! We’ve defined instances for both of the cases where our color is available in our theme list, and we can leave it up to the compiler to prove that it’s true in any particular circumstance.
To see our handiwork, let’s write a small test function to see how the compiler can enforce our constraints for us:
testFunction :: HasColor color theme => ()
= () testFunction
Unfortunately, this doesn’t compile! If you try to load your module up in ghci you’ll see that our function is failing due to am ambiguity check.
:17:17: error:
HasColorDemo.hsCould not deduce (HasColor color0 theme0)
• : HasColor color theme
from the contexttype signature for:
bound by the testFunction :: forall (color :: Symbol) (theme :: Theme).
HasColor color theme =>
at HasColorDemo.hsThe type variables ‘color0’, ‘theme0’ are ambiguous
In the ambiguity check for ‘testFunction’
• To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature: testFunction :: HasColor color theme => ()
17 | testFunction :: HasColor color theme => ()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
This is another common problem you will encounter when dealing with type-level
programming. The problem is that because we’re not actually using the color
and theme
type variables anywhere except inside of our constraint, ghc finds
them to be ambiguous. We can get around this safely by turning on
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
Okay, back to the testing. If we load this up in ghci and now it will compile. When we give it a test we’ll see…
@"red" @'["red"]
λ testFunction
<interactive>:23:1: error:
Overlapping instances for HasColor "red" '["red"]
• of ‘testFunction’
arising from a use Matching instances:
instance [safe] HasColor color colors =>
HasColor color (color' : colors)
-- Defined at HasColorDemo.hs:13:10
instance [safe] HasColor color (color : colors)
-- Defined at HasColorDemo.hs:12:10
In the expression: testFunction @"red" @'["red"]
• In an equation for ‘it’: it = testFunction @"red" @'["red"]
Well that’s not what we wanted!
What’s happening here is that we’re taking for granted some information that the compiler can’t make use of. As you’ve learned, whenever we use the same type variable multiple times in an instance declaration we telling the compiler that those two types have to be the same. The problem here is that we can’t make the opposite assumption. In our recursive instance:
instance HasColor color rest => HasColor color (color' : rest)
The two type variables color
and color'
don’t have to be the same, but
they might be. In the case that they are the same, the compiler doesn’t know
which instance it should use, and so it gives us an error.
We can fix this by telling the compiler which instance it should prefer by
adding in an Overlappable
or Overlapping
annotation to our typeclass
instance. For now, we’ll add it to our recursive instance:
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
HasColor color colors => HasColor color (color':colors)
With this annotation in place, we’re telling the compiler “hey, whenever there are two instances that might work, pick the other one”.
Now that we’ve told ghc how to handle the overlapping instances, let’s give our test function another try:
@"red" @'["red"]
λ testFunction
()@"red" @'["blue"]
λ testFunction
<interactive>:5:1: error:
No instance for (HasColor "red" '[])
• of ‘testFunction’
arising from a use In the expression: testFunction @"red" @'["blue"]
• In an equation for ‘it’: it = testFunction @"red" @'["blue"]
Finally! The return value of ()
here is not very exciting, but we can now see
for ourselves how HasColor
has helped us to ensure that we can only compile
our function when we’re asking for a color that’s a member of the theme we’re
passing in.
Now that you’ve learned how to build HasColor
let’s return to lookupColor
and see if we can implement it.
Implementing lookupColor
If you recall from earlier in this article, we said that the type of
lookupColor :: forall colorName theme.
KnownSymbol colorName
( HasColor colorName theme)
, => ThemeInstance theme -> RGB
Now that you understand both KnownSymbol
and HasColor
you might already have
an intuition for how to implement this function: we’ll start by using
to get the color name, which will be the key to our theme map. Then
we’ll get that element from our map. Since our goal is to ensure that we have
all of the necessary elements of our theme map at compile time, we shouldn’t
need to use a safe lookup function. The unsafe function Map.!
ought to work
for us.
Here’s the full implementation:
lookupColor :: forall colorName theme.
KnownSymbol colorName
( HasColor colorName theme)
, => ThemeInstance theme -> RGB
ThemeInstance colors) =
lookupColor (let
= symbolVal $ Proxy @colorName
targetName in toRGB $ colors Map.! targetName
A Lookup Color Demo
Now that we’ve defined lookupColor
let’s test it out with a few calls in ghci.
type DemoTheme = '["red", "green", "blue"]
λ :{
λ *ThemeExample| theme = ThemeInstance @DemoTheme $ Map.fromList
*ThemeExample| [ ("red", someRGB 255 0 0)
*ThemeExample| , ("green", someRGB 0 255 0)
*ThemeExample| , ("blue", someRGB 0 0 255) ]
*ThemeExample| :}
@"red" theme
λ lookupColor RGB {rgbRed = 255, rgbGreen = 0, rgbBlue = 0}
@"green" theme
λ lookupColor RGB {rgbRed = 0, rgbGreen = 255, rgbBlue = 0}
@"blue" theme
λ lookupColor RGB {rgbRed = 0, rgbGreen = 0, rgbBlue = 255}
@"yellow" theme
λ lookupColor
<interactive>:19:1: error:
No instance for (HasColor "yellow" '[])
• of ‘lookupColor’
arising from a use In the expression: lookupColor @"yellow" theme
• In an equation for ‘it’: it = lookupColor @"yellow" theme
So far, so good. We’ve created a new theme and gotten values out of it, and we’ve even prevented a runtime error by failing at compile time when we tried to get a missing color out of the theme.
There’s still a problem though. Let’s look at another variation of our example:
= ThemeInstance @DemoTheme Map.empty
λ theme @"red" theme
λ lookupColor *** Exception: Map.!: given key is not an element in the map
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at
/containers/containers/src/Data/Map/Internal.hs:627:17 in
libraries- containers
Oh no! In spite of all of our effort, we’ve still hit a runtime error. In the next section we’ll refactor our code a bit and you’ll learn how to avoid this pitfall.
Constructing A Theme Instance At The Type Level
In the last section, we saw that we have an error lurking in our current implementation of our type-level theming code. The problem is that we don’t have any way of ensuring that the contents of the map that we’re using to store our theme data actually matches what the type says it should be.
Let’s consider an alternate approach. Right now we define a Theme at the type level independently of adding colors to the runtime theme. What if, instead, we refactored our code so that each time we added a color value to the theme, it added that same color to the theme’s type. Even better, what if that was the only way to add colors to the theme type. That would ensure that the type of our theme instance always precisely matched the colors it actually has available.
A Simple GADT Approach To Constructive Theme Building
GADTs are an extremely versatile tool that we can use for constructing values and types in haskell. They greatly extend what we can accomplish with value constructors by allowing us to easily add constraints to the parameters of a value constructor, as well as giving us the ability to create constructors that specify the full type that they return.
Before we jump into using a GADT for theming, let’s look at a smaller example
just to get a feel for them. Imagine we want to create a value that can hold any
one of an Int
, a String
, or a Bool
We can already do this with normal sum types:
data SomeValue = SomeInt Int | SomeString String | SomeBool Bool
The problem here is that our SomeType
value doesn’t carry any information
about what constructor we used. Any function that were going to work with any of
those branches would end up having to work with all of them. For example, we
might want to write a function like:
notSomeValue :: SomeValue -> SomeValue
notSomeValue val case val of
SomeInt _ -> val
SomeString _ -> val
SomeBool b -> SomeBool (not b)
With GADTs we can add some additional information at the type level. Let’s start by recreating exactly what we had before using GADT syntax:
data SomeValue' where
SomeInt' :: Int -> SomeValue'
SomeString' :: String -> SomeValue'
SomeBool' :: Bool -> SomeValue'
The syntax here might look a little strange at first. Instead of the normal constructors we’re accustomed to, we have a where clause and what looks like a set of functions with type annotations. In some ways, the GADT syntax looks more like the syntax for a typeclass than for a normal algebraic datatype.
Once you get past the initial strangeness of the new syntax though, we can see
that it’s not actually all that different from what we’ve already been
doing. After all, if we look up the type of our SomeValue
constructors in ghci
we’ll see type signatures that look just like the ones we’ve written:
:t SomeInt
λ SomeInt :: Int -> SomeValue
:t SomeInt'
λ SomeInt' :: Int -> SomeValue'
:t SomeString
λ SomeString :: String -> SomeValue
:t SomeString'
λ SomeString' :: String -> SomeValue'
GADTs can do more than just offer a different syntax for defining types though. Since we’re writing out the type annotation for each of the constructors ourselves, we have access to much more power from the type system than we’d have when writing constructors the usual way. For example, we can easily have polymorphic constructors with typeclass constraints. Imagine if we wanted a field that supported any number. With traditional data types, we’d need to create an existential type to hold the number, but we can do it directly with GADTs:
SomeNumber :: Num a => a -> SomeValue'
Another key feature of GADTs is the fact that each constructor can have a unique
return type. To demonstrate this, we’ll need to add a type parameter to our
example. Let’s rewrite our original SomeValue
type to use a GADT, and add a
type parameter to it
data SomeValue t where
In a traditional haskell data type, t
would have to be independent of any
particular type constructor. With a GADT though, we can control the type of each
of the constructors, and so we can specialize t
depending on which constructor
is called. For example, we can set t
to Int
, String
, or Bool
on the constructor that’s called to generate SomeValue
SomeInt :: Int -> SomeValue Int
SomeString :: String -> SomeValue String
SomeBool :: Bool -> SomeValue Bool
The benefit here is that having this information available at the type level
let’s us write much nicer code when we only want to work with a single
constructor. We can rewrite notSomeValue
now to only handle cases where we
know we have a boolean value:
notSomeValue :: SomeValue Bool -> SomeValue Bool
notSomeValue (SomeBool b) = SomeBool (not b)
Unlike or original version, we no longer need to match against all of the
different SomeValue
constructors- the fact that we’re restricting our input to
SomeValue Bool
is enough to convince both us, and the compiler, that we’ve
exhaustively handled all of the cases.
You might be wondering how this can help us construct a type-safe theme. Let’s
take a look by creating a new GADT called MakeSimpleTheme
that will allow us
to construct a simple but more type-safe theme.
We’ll start by defining the type. We’ll add a parameter to keep track of the current them:
data MakeSimpleTheme (theme :: Theme) where
Next, we’ll add a constructor that will allow us to create a new empty
theme. Just like when we were writing HasColor
, an empty theme is an empty
type-level list, so our constructor is:
SimpleNewTheme :: MakeSimpleTheme '[]
Finally, we’ll create a recursive constructor. This will be the part that will let us build up the type that we want in our theme.
SimpleAddColor :: (KnownSymbol colorName)
=> SomeColor
-> MakeSimpleTheme theme
-> MakeSimpleTheme (colorName : theme)
In this example we’re using GADT’s ability to both include typeclass constraints
and the ability to specialize the return type of a constructor so that we can
ensure that each call to SimpleAddColor
will result in an MakeSimpleTheme
value with the new color name added into the list of colors that we’re
tracking. Essentially, we’re constructing a type and value level list at the
same time with a single call!
Let’s test this out: We’ll start by creating a simple theme demo. Note that
we’re not adding an explicit type signature here- it will be generated for us
because of the way that we’re creating our MakeSimpleTheme
data MakeSimpleTheme (theme :: Theme) where
SimpleNewTheme :: MakeSimpleTheme '[]
SimpleAddColor :: (KnownSymbol colorName)
=> SomeColor
-> MakeSimpleTheme theme
-> MakeSimpleTheme (colorName : theme)
simpleDemo SimpleAddColor @"red" (someRGB 255 0 0)
SimpleAddColor @"green" (someRGB 0 255 0)
( SimpleAddColor @"blue" (someRGB 0 0 255) SimpleNewTheme)) (
And indeed, if we look at the type of simpleDemo
in ghci, we see that it has
exactly the colors that we expect.
:t simpleDemo
λ simpleDemo :: MakeSimpleTheme '["red", "green", "blue"]
Creating A Theme Instance From MakeSimpleTheme
Having a MakeSimpleTheme
value with the correct types is a useful first step,
but it doesn’t quite get us all the way to being able to theme things. The code
we’ve written so far assumes that we’re working with ThemeInstance
values. We
could rewrite that code to work with MakeSimpleTheme
, but that would break
backwards compatibility and might require that we rewrite a bunch of code that’s
already been tested and is working. Instead let’s add a new feature to support
safer theming by creating a way to convert a MakeSimpleTheme
into a
with an appropriate type.
We want to write some runtime code to generate a ThemeInstance
based on the
particular type of our MakeSimpleTheme
, and so like most of the other problems
we’ve encountered so far in this article, we’ll want to start thinking about
writing a typeclass.
We’ll call this one ToThemeInstance
and it will give us a way to convert some
types into a ThemeInstance
class ToThemeInstance (a :: Theme -> Type) (t :: Theme) where
toThemeInstance :: a t -> ThemeInstance t
Our typeclass has two parameters- first a type constructor that wants to take a
, and second the Theme
that we’re working with. The type of our
function ensures that the theme being used by our input type
matches the ThemeInstance
being generated at each step.
As usual, our base-case is pretty straightforward. When our theme is empty, we can construct an empty theme instance using an empty map.
instance ToThemeInstance MakeSimpleTheme '[] where
SimpleNewTheme = ThemeInstance Map.empty toThemeInstance
Our recursive instance looks very similar to code we’ve seen already- in fact it
seems to have elements of both HasColor
and lookupColor
. Like HasColor
most other recursive typeclass instances, we handle recursion at the instance
level with a typeclass constraint. We’re also pattern matching to get the head
of our theme list like we did in HasColor
ToThemeInstance MakeSimpleTheme colors) =>
(ToThemeInstance MakeSimpleTheme (color:colors)
The implementation of toThemeInstance
might bring to mind lookupColor
. We’re
going to again make use of symbolVal
to generate a key for the current color
in our theme map. The difference here is that instead of extracting the value,
we’re going to insert it:
ToThemeInstance MakeSimpleTheme colors) =>
(ToThemeInstance MakeSimpleTheme (color:colors)
SimpleAddColor rgb rest) =
toThemeInstance (let (ThemeInstance m) = toThemeInstance rest
= symbolVal $ Proxy @color
colorName in ThemeInstance (Map.insert colorName rgb m)
That’s it! We can now freely create a runtime ThemeInstance
with the correct
elements and theme type by constructively creating a MakeSimpleTheme
. Let’s
take a look at a demo by converting simpleDemo
into a ThemeInstance
:t toThemeInstance simpleDemo
toThemeInstance simpleDemo :: ThemeInstance '["red", "green", "blue"]
λ toThemeInstance simpleDemoThemeInstance {
getThemeInstance "blue"
fromList [ ( RGB { rgbRed = 0
, = 0
, rgbGreen = 255
, rgbBlue
, ( RGB { rgbRed = 0
, = 255
, rgbGreen = 0
, rgbBlue
, ( RGB { rgbRed = 255
, = 0
, rgbGreen = 0
, rgbBlue
] }
Although it’s minor compared to the earlier problems we’ve had of potential runtime failures, there still a bit of a problem with our current implementation.
When we construct a theme using MakeSimpleTheme
we’re assigning the colors at
the time that we create the theme. In some circumstances this is fine, but for
cases like the X11 colors, we might want to make use of existing names that are
already provided for some particular colors. In the next section, we’ll explore
how we can support this carrying the name and color value information around in
the same type.
Colors at the Type Level
Up until now, we’ve been treating the type level and runtime representations of
colors quite differently. At the runtime level we’re using SomeColor
will let us store something that we can turn into an RGB
value, whereas at the
type level we’re storing a list of color names as Symbol
types. In general, it
would be good if we could just have a single representation of colors, rather
than two separate representations.
For reasons you’ll see in the next section, we’ll keep ThemeInstance
as it is,
and instead focus our efforts on refactoring MakeSimpleTheme
. Before we can
refactor our theme builder though, we need to figure out how we might want to
represent colors at the type level.
In fact, we’re already part of the way there. If you recall earlier in this article we started defining some X11 colors:
data AliceBlue = AliceBlue
instance IsColor AliceBlue where
= const $ RGB 0xF0 0xF8 0xFF
data Plum = Plum
instance IsColor Plum where
= const $ RGB 0xDD 0xA0 0xDD
data RebeccaPurple = RebeccaPurple
instance IsColor RebeccaPurple where
= const $ RGB 0x66 0x33 0x99
-- many other colors omitted for brevity
These colors are already defined at the type level. No work to do, but it does give us a clue for how we might approach a type-level RGB color.
Type-Level RGB
Our X11 colors were each standalone types, but we made them viable colors by
giving creating an instance of IsColor
for each of them. We can take the same
approach for RGB colors. Unfortunately, we can’t use DataKinds
to get an RGB
color at the type level automatically, so we’ll need to define a new type. We’ll
call it RGBTypeLevel
to help avoid confusion with the runtime RGB
We want to have each potential RGB color be it’s own distinct type. The easiest
way to do that is to add type parameters for each color channel. Since we’re
dealing with numbers, we’ll make sure those types are of Kind Nat
data RGBTypeLevel (r :: Nat) (g :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = RGBTypeLevel
Now we can easily create a new RGB value at the type level by saying:
= RGBTypeLevel @255 @0 @0 λ typeLevelRed
= RGBTypeLevel @0 @255 @0 λ typeLevelGreen
or even…
= RGBTypeLevel @0 @0 @999 λ typeLevelBlue
Wait- that’s not right! Each channel of our RGB color should be a number between 0 and 255. We better take care of that. At first we might think to try a GADT here so that we can limit the values:
data RGBTypeLevel (r :: Nat) (g :: Nat) (b :: Nat) where
RGBTypeLevel :: (r <= 255, g <= 255, b <= 255) => RGBTypeLevel r g b
The <=
constraint here comes from GHC.TypeLits
and is similar to the <=?
function that you saw earlier when you were learning about Nat
, but it works
as a constraint rather than returning a Bool
Using a GADT with constraints to ensure the values aren’t greater than 255 will work in a lot of cases- we can’t create a value with an invalid type anymore:
= RGBTypeLevel' @0 @0 @999
λ typeLevelBlue
<interactive>:127:17: error:
Couldn't match type ‘'False’ with ‘'True’
• of ‘RGBTypeLevel'’
arising from a use In the expression: RGBTypeLevel' @0 @0 @999
• In an equation for ‘typeLevelBlue’:
= RGBTypeLevel' @0 @0 @999 typeLevelBlue
However, we aren’t entirely protected. When we’re working at the type level, we
need to also consider situations where a user might be working with the type
without ever trying to create an instance of it. Imagine a typeclass called
that gets a runtime representation of the color:
class GetColor a where getColor :: String
We might create an instance for RGBTypeLevel
that seems well behaved:
instance (KnownNat r, KnownNat g, KnownNat b) =>
GetColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b)
= show $ ( natVal $ Proxy @r
getColor $ Proxy @g
, natVal $ Proxy @b) , natVal
Unfortunately, a user could still use this instance to get back a value that can’t be a proper RGB color. Let’s look at an example:
@(RGBTypeLevel 0 0 1000)
λ getColor "(0,0,1000)"
The problem here is that constraints on a GADT only apply when we’re constructing a value. When we’re using type applications we’re never directly constructing a value so the constraints are never checked.
Of course, we could simply move the constraint that a color channel be less than 256 into our typeclass:
instance (KnownNat r, KnownNat g, KnownNat b, r <= 255, g <= 255, b <= 255) =>
GetColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b)
= show $ ( natVal $ Proxy @r
getColor $ Proxy @g
, natVal $ Proxy @b) , natVal
This does exactly what we want, preventing our users from accidentally trying to use an RGB color with values that are out of bounds.
@(RGBTypeLevel 0 0 1000)
λ getColor
<interactive>:143:1: error:
Couldn't match type ‘'False’ with ‘'True’
• of ‘getColor’
arising from a use In the expression: getColor @(RGBTypeLevel 0 0 1000)
• In an equation for ‘it’: it = getColor @(RGBTypeLevel 0 0 1000)
Unfortunately, it’s also extremely verbose. It wouldn’t be so bad if we only needed to add the constraints to a single instance, but we’ll need to apply this set of constraints anywhere that we use a typelevel RGB color.
Luckily for us, there’s a ghc extension for that. The ConstraintKinds
extension allows us to treat constraints as their own Kind. This makes it
convenient to create aliases for long typeclass constraints that we can reuse.
Let’s enable ConstraintKinds
and then create a constraint that ensures we have
some valid RGB color channels:
type ValidRGB r g b =
KnownNat r, r <= 255
( KnownNat g, g <= 255
, KnownNat b, b <= 255) ,
Now we can refactor our code to make use of this constraint to use our new constraint like any other:
instance ValidRGB r g b => GetColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b) where
getColor show $ (natVal $ Proxy @r, natVal $ Proxy @g, natVal $ Proxy @b)
Much better! We’ve now saved ourselves a lot of typing, made the code easier to follow, and make our constraints reusable. And since we’re going to be reusing our constraint everywhere anyway, we can revert to our simpler type definition:
data RGBTypeLevel (r :: Nat) (g :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = RGBTypeLevel
And finally, now that we can create a type-level RGB value and ensure that it
fits within the bounds of an 8-bit word, we can create an instance of IsColor
for any of our (valid) RGB values:
instance ValidRGB r g b => IsColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b) where
= const $ RGB (natWord8 @r) (natWord8 @g) (natWord8 @b)
toRGB where
natWord8 :: forall n. (KnownNat n, n <= 255) => Word8
= fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy @n) natWord8
Naming Things
Now that we have a way to represent colors at the type-level, it would be nice if we could move away from having the color names and color values exist as completely separate things. We should have a way of defining colors that have their own name information associated with them.
What we’d like to do is to have a type-level function from the type of a given
color to a Symbol
representing the color’s name. Let’s call our function
But what exactly is a type-level function? A plain haskell function is a function from a value to a value. We can think of a typeclass as a function from a type to a value (generally a function from a type to one or more value-level functions values). We can even think of GADTs as a function from a value (the type constructor) to a type. The last piece of our puzzle then, are Type Families, which we can think of as functions from types to other types.
Type families are type-level functions from one type to another type. They come in three different varieties:
- Open type families are similar to type classes. You can define an open type family and then add as many instances to it as you want. We won’t use these in this article.
- Closed type families are fixed mappings from one set of types to another. If you want to add or change a mapping, you need to edit the type family. You’ll use these later on in this section.
- Associated type families are open type families that are associated with a particular typeclass. You’ll be using these soon.
So, ColorName
will be a type family that will map some sort of color to a
. We could do this with an open type family, but then we couldn’t
guarantee that ColorName
always worked with something that is a color. More
importantly in the case of RGBTypeLevel
, we can’t use constraints when we’re
defining type families, so we’d have to do a lot of extra work to prevent us
from trying to get the name of an invalid color.
We also don’t want to use a closed type family, because we don’t want to limit ourselves to a predefined set of colors. That means we’ll be using an associated type family.
Associated type families are associated with a type class, so to create one we
first need to have a typeclass. One option we have is to add an associated type
family into our IsColor
class. If we did that, we’d need to implement the type
family for every instance of IsColor
. In most cases that would be fine, but
we’d have trouble handling our original runtime RGB
color. RGB
doesn’t have
enough type-level information for us to construct a unique and meaningful
type-level name.
If adding our associated type to IsColor
is out of the question, then we can
just create a new typeclass. We’ll call it NamedColor
, and we’ll
add a constraint to ensure that any NamedColor
is also an instance of
class IsColor a => NamedColor a where
type ColorName a :: Symbol
Now let’s write some instances. We’ll start again with some of our X11 colors. These are easy because we just need to hard code a value for them:
instance NamedColor AliceBlue where
type ColorName _ = "AliceBlue"
instance NamedColor Plum where
type ColorName Plum = "Plum"
instance NamedColor RebeccaPurple where
type ColorName RebeccaPurple = "RebeccaPurple"
-- many other colors omitted for brevity
You can see in these examples that the syntax for implementing a type family is similar to using patterns to implement a value level function:
type TypeFamilyName TypeName = TypeResult
What about RGBTypeLevel
colors? Let’s look at two different approaches for
naming type-level RGB colors. First, let’s consider the common case where a user
may want to define some RGB color and give it a human-readable name. In that
case, we can create a new type, NamedRGB
to handle tracking our color name.
will be pretty much exactly like RGBTypeLevel
, but we’ll add an
extra type parameter, name
, to track the name we want to associate with
it. You’ll also notice that we’ll also get an opportunity to reuse our
constraint from earlier:
data NamedRGB (name :: Symbol) (r :: Nat) (g :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = NamedRGB
instance ValidRGB r g b => IsColor (NamedRGB name r g b) where
= toRGB (RGBTypeLevel :: RGBTypeLevel r g b) toRGB _
Creating a NamedColor
instance is even easier than it was for our X11 colors,
because we only have a single instance to write. Since we already have a the
name of the color carried around as part of it’s type, we only need to return
that to satisfy ColorName
instance IsColor (NamedRGB name r g b) => NamedColor (NamedRGB name r g b) where
type ColorName _ = name
Let’s tackle one more relatively easy NamedRGB
instance. Consider the problem
that right now we have a lot of colors, for example all of the X11 colors, that
are named in ways that don’t cleanly map to the use that they’ll eventually be
put to. As it stands, if we wanted to theme our system so that the background
was RebeccaPurple
we’d need to lookupColor @"RebeccaPurple"
. We’re back to
our original problem of needing everything that is using our theming system to
get updated all at once, or else risk things looking bad.
It would be nice if we could just say lookupColor @"background-text"
This turns out to be easy if we combine an existential type with a phantom type
parameter. We’ll create a new wrapper type, RenameColor
that will let us
provide a renaming for any other color:
data RenameColor (name :: Symbol) =
forall color. IsColor color => RenameColor color
instance IsColor (RenameColor name) where
RenameColor c) = toRGB c
toRGB (
instance NamedColor (RenameColor name) where
type ColorName _ = name
Before we move on, let’s look at a demo. We’ll write a functions to help us get
runtime names of NamedColor
colorNameVal :: forall a. KnownSymbol (ColorName a) => a -> String
= symbolVal $ Proxy @(ColorName a) colorNameVal _
= NamedRGB @"red" @255 @0 @0
λ namedRGBRed
λ colorNameVal namedRGBRed"red"
= RebeccaPurple
λ rebeccaPurple
λ colorNameVal rebeccaPurple"RebeccaPurple"
= RenameColor @"very red" namedRGBRed
λ veryRed
λ colorNameVal veryRed"very red"
Now we can create RGB colors with names at the type level, refer to X11 colors by type, and even rename types however we wish to ensure they fit well with our desired color scheme. This makes our type-level theme implementation nearly complete. We just have one thing left to finish.
Naming RGBTypeLevel
So far we’ve avoided giving a name to plain RGBTypeLevel
values. In a way,
this makes sense. RGBTypeLevel
is the way that we deal with ad-hoc raw color
values in our type level theming system. If we wanted to use a color with a
specific name we have several ways to do it. That said, there are two
compelling reasons why we might want to provide an instance of NamedColor
First, if we can consistently provide a name for all of the different kinds of
colors that we’re dealing with in our theming system, we can make use of that
information for common code to handle things like naming runtime style elements,
or generating nice error messages. For example, it would be nice if we could
call colorNameVal
on some RGBTypeLevel
value to get it’s name at runtime.
Second, by using the same naming system for raw RGB values that we have for other colors, we give users the option to replace colors that are being used directly by theme consumers. Imagine for instance that an external library were using some hard coded low contract text and background colors. If those hard-coded values still appeared to the theming system as regular named colors, the user has the opportunity to replace them with higher-contract alternatives.
Luckily, it’s very achievable to create a NamedColor
instance for
, but it’ll take a little bit more work that we’ve had to do for
our previous instances. Let’s start with a demo of what we’d like to see:
$ RGBTypeLevel @255 @100 @50
λ colorNameVal "#FF6432"
$ RGBTypeLevel @0 @16 @0
λ colorNameVal "#001000"
Essentially, we’d like to convert our RGB colors into a hex string, at the type level. Let’s build this from the top down, staring with our typeclass instance:
infixr 6 :++:
type a :++: b = AppendSymbol a b
instance IsColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b) => NamedColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b) where
ColorName _ =
"#" :++: PadNatHex r :++: PadNatHex g :++: PadNatHex b
You can see here that we’ve started by defining a type operator, :++:
. This is
a convenience function that makes it easier to see the formatting that we’re
using as we’re starting to construct our final Symbol. The symbol itself starts
with a “#” just like the output string. The rest of the string seems to be
constructed from calls to PadNatHex
with each of our color channels.
Since we know that r
, g
, and b
must be types, and the result of
PadNatHex r
must be a Symbol, it stands to reason that PadNatHex
must be a
type family, and indeed it is, our first closed type family.
is a type family that converts a Nat
into a Symbol
it’s hex value, zero-padded out to 2 decimal places. We have to do this to
prevent ambiguity, since a string like #ffff
could be interpreted as any of:
ff 0f 0f
0f ff 0f
0f 0f ff
So, we’ll create a type family to map any 1 or 2 digit hex value into a zero-padded 2-digit hex value:
type family PadNatHex (n :: Nat) :: Symbol where
PadNatHex n =
IfThenElse (n <=? 15) ("0" :++: NatHex n) (NatHex n)
So the implementation here is that if our number is less than or equal to 15
(meaning it would map to a single-digit hex value) we call NatHex
and prefix
“0” to it. Otherwise, we just return the result of calling NatHex
At this point you might be a bit surprised to see IfThenElse
being used in
type-level code. After all, at first glance an if
expression hardly seems like
something that makes sense at the type level, but it does work and can be
extremely convenient. Let’s look at how it’s implemented.
At the value level in haskell, an if
expression takes a boolean predicate, and
two values of the same type, and returns the first one if the predicate is
, or the second one if the predicate is False
. We can fairly easily
translate that logic into a closed type family:
type family IfThenElse (p :: Bool) (t :: a) (f :: a) :: a where
IfThenElse True t f = t
IfThenElse False t f = f
If p
is True
then we completely ignore the second type and return the first
type. Similarly if p
is False
we ignore the first type and return the
second. As long as both types have the same Kind, everyone works as expected.
You’ll notice here that although we’re using a concrete Kind for p
, we’re
using a kind variable, a
for the branches and return kind. To allow this we’ll
also need to add another friendly ghc extension: PolyKinds
So, in the particular case of our implementation of PadNatHex
, IfThenElse
takes a Bool
and two Symbols
and returns the first symbol if n
is less
than, or equal to, 255, and the second symbol otherwise. Our symbols come from
, another closed type family.
The implementation of NatHex
is a bit verbose. It’s also the first example we
have of a recursive type family. Like type classes and value level functions,
we can recursively call type families when we need to a bit more than we can do
with just a straightforward mapping.
type family NatHex (n :: Nat) :: Symbol where
NatHex 0 = "0"
NatHex 1 = "1"
NatHex 2 = "2"
NatHex 3 = "3"
NatHex 4 = "4"
NatHex 5 = "5"
NatHex 6 = "6"
NatHex 7 = "7"
NatHex 8 = "8"
NatHex 9 = "9"
NatHex 10 = "A"
NatHex 11 = "B"
NatHex 12 = "C"
NatHex 13 = "D"
NatHex 14 = "E"
NatHex 15 = "F"
NatHex n = NatHex (Div n 16) :++: NatHex (Mod n 16)
Our particular implementation of NatHex
is a little bit brute-forced- for
every decimal number 0 through 15 we manually match it to one of the 16 hex
digits 0 through F. In the recursive case, we split out the lower and upper
digits and recursively call NatNex
on each half, appending the two resulting
Now that we’ve walked through all of the things we need to implement to support
our NamedColor
instance for RGBTypeLevel
let’s look at the instance itself
one more time to help cement everything:
instance IsColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b) => NamedColor (RGBTypeLevel r g b) where
ColorName _ =
"#" :++: PadNatHex r :++: PadNatHex g :++: PadNatHex b
At this point, you’ve now built up an entire type-level theming system that will let you safely build configurable themed components that you can customize at compile time. Before we’re done though, we have one more useful feature to add.
Bringing Back Support For Runtime Configuration
Having a type-safe theming system that we can customize at compile time is great. It gives us the confidence to know that if our system compiles, it will work. Not only that, we’ve given ourselves the tools to ensure that whatever we build can be flexible, and can offer a great degree of consistency.
That said, having the option to configure things at runtime is often desirable, even if it comes at the cost of some safety. Imagine, for example, that you are customizing your desktop environment. You might find that while you are actively trying to find a setup that looks nice you’ll prefer to give up some of the rigor of a type-level theming system in favor of some runtime configuration. Once you have something that you like, it would be nice to then move that theme into the type level to ensure any changes elsewhere in your configuration don’t cause surprising breakages.
So, in this final section, we’d like to build support for a runtime configurable theming system that is fully compatible with all of the type-level theming code we’ve already built.
Creating A Theme Format
The first thing we’d like to do is figure out how we’ll represent our theme at runtime. Ideally it should be a format that is easy to read and write, and doesn’t require a great deal of work on our end to parse. JSON meets these criteria reasonably well, and it’s ubiquitous enough to be easily used by people who might be interested in making use of our code themselves.
The schema we’ll use looks like this:
"red": {"rgb": "#ff0000"},
"green": {"rgb": "#00ff00"},
"blue": {"x11": "AliceBlue"},
"text": {"same-as": "blue"},
"border": {"same-as": "text"},
"inner-border": {"same-as": "border"},
"underline": {"same-as": "inner-border"}
For the most part, our schema should look pretty straightforward. We’re storing our theme as a JSON object. The keys in the object are the names of the individual theme elements we want to use. The values are themselves json objects that are storing tagged values representing the actual color value.
The values can be either RGB colors, written as a string of hex digits, an X11 color given by its name, or a reference to some other color in the theme.
The last feature will provide some interesting work for us as we’re building the system to support runtime theming. It’s also an important feature to ensure that we can have a consistent look and feel. If we have to re-enter the same color many times, there’s a risk that we’ll end up introducing typos or forgetting to add some particular value. By allowing us to reference a particular color in the theme, we can help to ensure that we reuse the same colors where appropriate to get a consistent theme.
Building The Theme Configuration
We’ll start building support for our runtime theme configuration in a new
module, ThemeLoader
. Just like when we built our initial runtime theming
system, we’ll start this one with a newtype wrapper around a map.
newtype RuntimeTheme = RuntimeTheme
getRuntimeTheme :: Map.Map String ColorValue } {
We’re using an as-yet-to-be-defined type, ColorValue
, to hold the actual color
elements. Let’s think for a moment about what that might look like…
For RGB and X11 color values, it’s fairly obvious what we should do, so we can start there:
data ColorValue
= RGBValue RGB
| X11Value SomeColor
-- what about "same-as" values?
But how should we handle the references to another color? One naive way that we could handle it is to store the name that we were referencing:
data ColorValue
= RGBValue RGB
| X11Value SomeColor
| OtherColor String
We can work with this, but it’s a bit of a pain. Imagine how we’d look up a given color element from our map using this representation:
lookupColor :: String -> RuntimeTheme -> Maybe ColorValue
@(RuntimeTheme themeMap) = do
lookupColor keyName sampleTheme<- Map.lookup keyName themeMap
result case result of
RGBValue _ -> Just result
X11Value _ -> Just result
OtherColor keyName' -> lookupSampleColor keyName' sampleTheme
This approach doesn’t let us know that we’re working with a reference. It will either be handled transparently or else fail. Sometimes that could be nice, but for the sake of error handling and troubleshooting it would be nice to know exactly what we’re getting out of our config.
Alternatively we could simply not traverse the references and return the raw color value, but then we’d be putting the onus on the caller to handle the references every single time they call. That’s an even worse option in most cases.
Let’s re-evaluate how we’re storing ColorValue
. What if, instead of storing
the string, we store a reference to the color that we were trying to look up?
That way we could keep the information that we’re in the OtherColor
constructor, but make it a little bit easier to deal with looking up the value
for anyone using our theming system.
Let’s handle references by creating a new reference type, ColorReference
newtype ColorReference r a =
ColorReference {unColorReference :: ExceptT String (Reader r) a}
deriving newtype ( Functor
, Monad
, MonadReader r
, MonadError String)
evalColorReference :: r -> ColorReference r a -> Either String a
evalColorReference env flip runReader env . runExceptT . unColorReference
Now we can track a color reference and handle any errors that might crop up- for example a missing color. Let’s refactor our code to make use of this new color reference:
data ColorValue
= RGBValue RGB
| X11Value SomeColor
| OtherColor (ColorReference RuntimeTheme ColorValue)
Now we can run the majority of the code that we’d want to work with inside of a
and evaluate it at the end using the theme that we’ve
parsed. It’ll work, but we still have the issue that any failed references won’t
be resolved right away. In the worse case scenario we have a bad reference in
the runtime config that isn’t used for a long time, and then days, weeks, or
months later when the color is finally addressed the system crashes
It would be nice if we could evaluate all of the references right after we load
the file and throw an error if any of them were bad. Otherwise, we could return
a safe version of the file without runtime errors. To do that, we’d need to
create a safe version of ColorValue
data SafeColorValue
= SafeRGBValue RGB
| SafeX11Value SomeColor
| SafeOtherColor SafeColorValue
This is starting to look like a lot of duplicate code. Wouldn’t it be nice if,
instead of having to keep two versions of ColorValue
around, we could just
keep one version that could represent both the safe and unsafe versions? We can!
Let’s start by factoring ColorReference
out of our ColorValue
data ColorValue (wrapper :: Type -> Type)
= RGBValue RGB
| X11Value SomeColor
| OtherColor (wrapper (ColorValue wrapper))
Now we could define an unsafe color value as one where wrapper
is our
unresolved ColorReference
type UnsafeColorValue = ColorValue (ColorReference RuntimeTheme)
For our safe reference, ideally we wouldn’t have any sort of wrapper at all. A
safe OtherColor
would just be OtherColor ColorValue
- but wrapper
has the
Kind Type -> Type
, so we have to wrap it in something.
The Identity
type from Data.Functor.Identity
is useful for exactly this
purpose. It provides a simple wrapper around a type. It introduces a layer of
indirection, and we have to extract values with runIdentity
, but otherwise it
doesn’t modify the underlying value that it’s wrapping. That makes it a great
candidate for our safe color value:
type SafeColorValue = ColorValue Identity
So now we have safe and unsafe color types, we need to update RuntimeTheme
. We
could create two brand new types:
newtype SafeRuntimeTheme = SafeRuntimeTheme
Map.Map String SafeColorValue }
newtype UnsafeRuntimeTheme = UnsafeRuntimeTheme
Map.Map String UnsafeRuntimeTheme } {
But now we’ve moved the duplication problem up one layer in our code without solving it. Let’s go back to the drawing board for a moment.
We created safe and unsafe versions of ColorValue
by adding a type
parameter. Maybe instead, we can make safe and unsafe versions of RuntimeTheme
that take a parameter and pass it along to ColorValue
newtype RuntimeTheme' (wrapper :: Type -> Type) = RuntimeTheme'
getRuntimeTheme :: Map.Map String (ColorValue wrapper) }
type RuntimeTheme = RuntimeTheme' Identity
That’ll work for our safe theme. What about our unsafe theme. The problem seems
straightforward- let’s just pass in our ColorReference
type UnsafeTheme = RuntimeTheme' (ColorReference (RuntimeTheme' (Col...
Well then- it looks like we’ve created an infinite loop in the type system. Unlike normal recursive data which still has a finite type, we can’t actually create values with truly infinite types.
Thankfully, this problem can be solved with an extra layer of
indirection. We can’t hold a reference to RuntimeTheme'
because it’s
parameterized by the reference we want to hold, but we can add a new type that
doesn’t take any type parameters. This will allow us to break the recursion.
Since this new type that we add will hold our raw unprocessed runtime theme,
let’s call it RawRuntimeTheme
newtype RawRuntimeTheme = RawRuntimeTheme
getRawRuntimeTheme :: RuntimeTheme' (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme)}
{deriving newtype (FromJSON)
We’re forcing a level of indirection here, by running everything through
, but it nicely solves the problem of infinite types.
Before we move on from the initial configuration, let’s add a couple of things
to our runtime config. First, we need to add a FromJSON
instance to
. This will make it easy for us to load the configuration file.
instance FromJSON (ColorValue (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme)) where
= withObject "color" $ \val ->
parseJSON <|> parseX11Element val <|> parseRefElement val
parseRGBElement val where
= do
parseRGBElement val <- val .: "rgb"
t RGBValue <$> parseRGB t
= do
parseX11Element val <- val .: "x11"
t X11Value <$> parseX11Color t
= do
parseRefElement val <- val .: "same-as"
refName pure . OtherColor $ generateRef refName
= do
generateRef name <- asks (getRuntimeTheme . getRawRuntimeTheme)
colors case Map.lookup name colors of
Nothing -> throwError $ "Referenced color not found: " <> name
Just color' -> pure color'
As you can see, we only define an instance of FromJSON
for the unsafe version
of our runtime theme. Each time we see a “same-as” field, we generate a new
reader computation that we can resolve later, after we’ve finished processing
the entire document. This approach means we can easily handle cases where we
reference a color that hasn’t yet been defined.
The second utility function we need is a way to convert a raw runtime theme into
a safe one, strictly, so that we can find out if we have any errors early
on. We’ll start by writing a function to evaluate a single ColorValue
dereferenceColorValue ::
RawRuntimeTheme ->
ColorValue (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme) ->
Either String (ColorValue Identity)
dereferenceColorValue env colorValue case colorValue of
RGBValue r -> Right $ RGBValue r
X11Value c -> Right $ X11Value c
OtherColor r -> do
<- dereferenceColorValue env =<< evalColorReference env r
referencedColor case referencedColor of
OtherColor _ -> pure referencedColor
-> pure $ OtherColor referencedColor _
And we can use this function to traverse the entire raw configuration map, giving us a safe map, or an error if we’ve ended up with any missing references:
evalConfig :: RawRuntimeTheme -> Either String RuntimeTheme
evalConfig rawConfig fmap RuntimeTheme'
. traverse (dereferenceColorValue rawConfig)
. getRuntimeTheme
. getRawRuntimeTheme
$ rawConfig
Third, we should make ColorValue
have an instance of IsColor
so that we can
make sure it works with the rest of our theming system:
instance IsColor (ColorValue Identity) where
RGBValue rgb) = rgb
toRGB (X11Value c) = toRGB c
toRGB (OtherColor ref) = toRGB ref toRGB (
The last bit of utility code we need to add is to derive a couple of Show
instances to make it easier for us to test things in ghci. We can’t derive an
instance of Show
for the unsafe versions of our types, because they have
unevaluated references. We’ll work around that by using the StandaloneDeriving
extension to allow us to derive Show
just for our safe instances:
deriving instance Show (ColorValue Identity)
deriving instance Show RuntimeTheme
With our utility functions and Show
instances in place, now we can build a
small demo to load a theme config from disk and print it out:
loadRuntimeTheme :: FilePath -> IO RuntimeTheme
= do
loadRuntimeTheme p <- BS.readFile p
contents case eitherDecode' contents >>= evalConfig of
Left err -> ioError $ userError err
Right val -> pure val
If we run this in ghci we’ll see all of the elements of our theme have been resolved just as we’d hoped:
λ loadRuntimeTheme RuntimeTheme' {getRuntimeTheme = fromList [
-- Results omitted for brevity
And if we modify our input to contain a dangling reference, we’ll get an error exactly as we’d hoped:
λ loadRuntimeTheme *** Exception: user error (Referenced color not found: bad-reference)
Stripping Away The Identity Indirection
One outstanding downside to our current theme config is the need for too much
indirection unwrapping identity values that aren’t buying us any real value. We
have to deal with unwrapping our RawThemeConfig
true, but that is more of a
one-time cost. The Identity
wrappers are persistent and a pain when it comes
to using the library.
We’ve seen that we have to pass some sort of a type constructor into
, and that type constructor will be applied to our OtherColor
value. There’s not much we can do about that without a significant refactor. If
only there were a way to erase the Identity
at compile time, and eliminate the
Let’s rephrase that last sentence and see if we can come up with an idea. “If
only there were a function from an Identity ColorValue
to a ColorValue
, we
could use it to erase the Identity
wrapper at compile time“. A function from a
type to another type sounds like the job for… you guessed it, another type
The particular pattern that we’re implementing right now is well-known in some
haskell circles as the “Higher-Kinded Data” pattern. In homage to it, we’ll name
our type family HKD
type family will be one of the most straightforward type families
you’ll implement as you work through this article, but it’s also a pattern that
will be commonly useful:
type family HKD (wrapper :: a -> a) (value :: a) :: a where
HKD Identity value = value
HKD wrapper value = wrapper value
This type family takes a higher-kinded wrapper type, and simply erases it if it
happens to be Identity
. We can get a feel for this in ghci by working through
a few examples:
:kind! (HKD Maybe Int)
λ HKD Maybe Int) :: Type
(= Maybe Int
:kind! (HKD Identity Int)
λ HKD Identity Int) :: Type
(= Int
We can even look at some more concrete examples of the sort of types that we might have in our theme config:
:kind! (HKD (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme)
λ ColorValue (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme)))
(HKD (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme)
(ColorValue (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme))) :: Type
(= ColorReference
RawRuntimeTheme (ColorValue (ColorReference RawRuntimeTheme))
:kind! (HKD Identity (ColorValue (Identity)))
λ HKD Identity (ColorValue (Identity))) :: Type
(= ColorValue Identity
Using our HKD
type family to simplify our safe ColorValue
is a small
data ColorValue w
= RGBValue RGB
| X11Value SomeColor
| OtherColor (HKD w (ColorValue w))
That’s it! We don’t need to change any of our type aliases that pass around
, and we don’t need to change any of the code we’ve written so far in
our example. Everything will just transparently work with one less level of
Using RuntimeTheme
With Our Typesafe Theming Engine
Now we come to the final part of this article. We have created a typesafe theming system that will allow us to create a safe instance of a theme, and we’ve added the ability to define a less safe but more flexible runtime theme using JSON. The last question we have to answer is: “How can we make our runtime theme configuration work with functions that require a typesafe theme instance?”
What we need to do is to have a way to check that a given runtime theme can
satisfy the requirements of a Theme
that we’ve defined at compile-time. This
lets us specify the theme elements that need to be present, and ensure that they
all exist in the final version of the theme that we’ve loaded.
Let’s start by writing a new function, validateThemeConfig
that will check a
runtime theme configuration against a static theme:
validateThemeConfig ::
forall (theme :: Theme).
ValidateThemeInstance theme ThemeInstance =>
RuntimeTheme ->
Either String (ThemeInstance theme)
validateThemeConfig . SomeColor . getRuntimeTheme validateThemeInstance
Most of the heavy lifting in this function seems to be handled by the
function that’s part of the ValidateThemeInstance
typeclass. As you can guess, we’re using a typeclass here because we’ll need to
map the particular type of the target Theme
with the elements of our map,
color by color:
class ValidateThemeInstance (theme :: Theme) (a :: Theme -> Type) where
validateThemeInstance :: Map.Map String SomeColor -> Either String (a theme)
Our typeclass lets us convert a runtime map to any sort of type-safe theme
container, but for our purposes we’re really only interested in converting it to
a ThemeInstance
. Just like with the other typeclasses we’ve written so far,
we’ll start with the base case of an empty theme:
instance ValidateThemeInstance '[] ThemeInstance where
= Right (ThemeInstance theme) validateThemeInstance theme
This is a pretty easy instance to write. If we have an empty theme then literally any map will satisfy all of the zero required elements, and we can just return a new empty theme.
Our recursive instance will be a little bit more involved. As we’ve done several times now, we’ll start our instance by pattern matching out the head of our current theme from the tail, and adding a recursive constraint on the tail of our theme list.
KnownSymbol currentColor
( ValidateThemeInstance rest ThemeInstance
, =>
) ValidateThemeInstance (currentColor : rest) ThemeInstance
The implementation of validateThemeInstance
will follow many of the same beats
that we’ve hit throughout this article. We’ll start by getting the name of the
current theme element as a runtime string using symbolVal
validateThemeInstance theme let targetColor = symbolVal $ Proxy @currentColor
Next, we’ll see if we can find that element as a key in the runtime map. If not, we’ll return an error because a key was missing:
case Map.lookup targetColor theme of
Nothing ->
let colorName = symbolVal $ Proxy @currentColor
in Left $ "missing color: " <> colorName
If we do find the current color, then we need to make a recursive call to ensure that the rest of the list is valid. If it is, we’ll add the current color to the new theme instance:
Just _ -> do
ThemeInstance m) <- validateThemeInstance @rest theme
(pure $ ThemeInstance m
Our final instance ends up looking like this:
KnownSymbol currentColor
( ValidateThemeInstance rest ThemeInstance
, =>
) ValidateThemeInstance (currentColor : rest) ThemeInstance
validateThemeInstance theme let targetColor = symbolVal $ Proxy @currentColor
in case Map.lookup targetColor theme of
Nothing ->
let colorName = symbolVal $ Proxy @currentColor
in Left $ "missing color: " <> colorName
Just _ -> do
ThemeInstance m) <- validateThemeInstance @rest theme
(pure $ ThemeInstance m
As has become our custom, let’s write a small demo function to see this
working. We’ll create some sample theme to test with, and then load our json
file and try to validate it against the theme. If so we’ll use the validated
theme to look up a couple of colors with lookupColor
and print them out.
type RuntimeTestTheme = ["blue", "green", "red"]
testQuery :: FilePath -> IO ()
= do
testQuery p <- loadRuntimeTheme p
cfg let testSampleQuery t = (lookupColor @"red" t, lookupColor @"blue" t)
= testSampleQuery <$> validateThemeConfig @RuntimeTestTheme cfg
r print r
In Conclusion
That’s it! You’ve now built a fully type-safe and flexible compile-time theming system with support for optional runtime configuration. You can easily replace colors, add new elements, and make use of type inference to figure out exactly what colors are needed to theme any given part of your program.
More importantly, as you’ve worked through this article you’ve been introduced to a number of important ideas that will come up when you are making use of type-level programming. From Kinds and recursive type classes to GADTs and type families, making the most of haskell’s type system can help you write better code.
Although the theming system is something I use every day as part of my own desktop configuration, the examples here were admittedly somewhat contrived. You might not want to reach for type level programming for every problem like this, but with any luck you’ll now have the tools at hand to use these techniques in cases where they are suitable.